Almost Impossible

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A poet is most well equipped
Finely to appreciate
The atmosphere of luxury
Which beauty can create

To value small refinements
And daily grateful be
For ordinary comforts
And pleasant company

To glory in performing arts
And gracious service, by
Staff of highbrow establishments
Well paid to smile and lie

But at the very bottom
True poets’ needs most simple are;
Full willing to give up the rest
Are those who follow this bright star

Requiring only silence
In which to think and dream
And shelter from a friendly wall
Neath a protective beam

A little food — not very much
Or of a great variety,
And freedom incense then to breathe
While in creative dreaming be

For their transportation
Walking distance to the store,
Some beauty they may gaze upon
Upon their way — but little more

Except for sensibility
Their sensitive souls of
That they to whom daily relate
Hold them in respect and love

And in an understanding
They special challenges must face
Who draw down for humanity
That which advance the race…

But though be ready, willing
And be able to agree
To give up, after basic these,
Every luxury

It seems almost impossible,
For some reason, to get
Such a simple roster
Of small requirements met

The poet/editor of this website is physically disabled, and lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level. Contributions may be made at:

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Ana Daksina

About the Author: Ana Daksina

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