A Silly Sonnet

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A silly sonnet? Say it isn’t so!
Say slapstick’s sorry seed we ‘ll seldom sow
In such a sacred space, tho’ to and fro
Astride such the unseeing masses go!

Involve me not in such unseemly sort ~
Say I should scintillatingly comport
Myself societally, nor resort,
Because I’m so assigned, to simple sport!

How shall I shed sweet sunshine’s ~ (uh) ~ shininess
Shorn shins from sea to shining sea to bless
And steam girls till bikinis to undress
When set to slaving under such duress?

Still, wise ones say ~ nor can I disagree:
“Ser’iousness Is, but Silliness Shall Be!”

Among us, poets are not paid. The poet/editor of this website, being physically disabled, lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level. Become a patron of the fine arts at: https://www.gofundme.com/are-you-a-patron-of-the-arts

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Ana Daksina

About the Author: Ana Daksina

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