Oh brother, you don’t know how much I love you!

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Before I could make ample
Memories with you,
In the blink of an eye,
you faded away.
So far, beyond reach

I bemoan daily,
unable to be with you
In those last
legs of your life.
Oh brother, you don’t know
how much I desire
to see you again

A part of my heart still crave
For all the love and care you gave
You don’t know How much I restrain
Myself not to fall in agony again.

I really wish to travel back
In time, So that I could capture
All The lost memories
Oh brother, you don’t know
How much I miss to be
in your arms again.

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Fathima Salam

About the Author: Fathima Salam

~D.R.E.A.M.E.R~ Poetry heals me!
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