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Aubade by Ritika Nahata
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From the book – on the table t’was kept
Jamboree that night where poets met
Nighttime’s special — mightiest one said
Only in dreams — his beloved met.

Realizing worth of sleep – that night
prayed to my God – hoping that I might
meet the one — under darkness so bright
cheat the fate – and — maybe catch a sight

I know him maybe – but not too sure
Stares from far — he’s possibly demure
His presence’s torment has no cure
But seems his absence — will kill – for sure

The stare gives hope – but isn’t any cool
Doesn’t caress on skin — pierces the soul
Yet it’s magnetic – owns kinda pull
Is painful — tricks me to be a fool

At wink again – a vision I saw
standing behind – staring sharp – in awe
for clearer vision – I raised my jaw
no eyegaze – he low’rd head — quick draw

Aubade Poem by Ritika Nahata
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To find a corner – I pulled his hand
Had enough – I need to know his stand
He didn’t raise head — expressions all bland
T’my “Say somethin” — No answer spanned

In deadly silence – the whole night passed
Every pain in past – this one surpassed
Snag stayed – despite the grit – I amassed
At dawn – I woke — my despair recast…

Since I am trying a new poetic form each time. This time it was different. A poem greeting the dawn. Aubade is traditionally a lover’s lament that the night’s passion must come to an end by the dawn when finally the lovers separate. This poem has seven quatrains. Each line is exactly nine syllables long. And each stanza has a rhyming scheme of A-A-A-A.

Aubade by Ritika Nahata
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Poetic Forms and Devices

About the Author: Poetic Forms and Devices

Learn new poetic forms and devices and try them in your poetry!


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