Day-is-Blind | A Blitz Poem

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Day is Blind | A Blitz Poem by Ritika Nahata at UpDivine
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Warmth of rays
Warmth in day
Day is bright
Day full of light
Light makes us wise
Light in our eyes
Eyes the goal
Eyes pure soul
Soul in ire
Soul stirs fire
Fire red flees
Fire bad employees
Employees needs perk
Employees that work
Work the ship
Work is worship
Worship with squad
Worship thy God
God’s blessings showers
God is power
Power the pump
Power to jump
Jump really high
Jump, don’t fly
Fly with ally
Fly to sky
Sky does gleams
Sky for dreams
Dream about things
Dreams gives wing
Wings to tread
Wings let’em spread
Spread and flutter
Spread on bread, butter
Butter from curd
Butter your words
Words have degrees
Words are free
Free to start
Free the heart
Heart is slender
Heart is tender
Tenderness bluffs
Tender is love
Love sees no hind
Love is blind
Blind man in park
Blind gropes dark

Created By:

Robert Keim


A Blitz poem is a form of poetry is a stream of short phrases and images with repetition and rapid flow.


1.Line 1 is a short phrase or an image.
2.Line 2 is another short phrase or image using the same first word as the first word of Line 1.
3.Lines 3 and 4 should be short phrases or images using the last word of Line 2 as their first words.
4.Lines 5 and 6 should be short phrases or images using the last word of Line 4 as their first words.
5.Repeat step 4 until line 48.
6.Line 49 should be the last word of Line 48.
7.Line 50 should be the last word of Line 47.
8.The title is 3 words long.
It’s format: (first word of Line 3) (preposition or conjunction) (first word of line 47).
9.There is no punctuation.
Day is Blind | A Blitz Poem by Ritika Nahata at UpDivine
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Poetic Forms and Devices

About the Author: Poetic Forms and Devices

Learn new poetic forms and devices and try them in your poetry!

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