Break-Up Aesthetics Part 2

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Ripped up love poems from her battered diary,

And green glass shards on the bathroom tiled floor

Near crushed violets and beheaded roses

From him with sheer shallow apologies.

A Taylor Swift playlist is on repeat

Amidst a funeral march of sobbing,

Friends tell her “I never liked him anyway.”

Dark chocolate smears, unheeded phone calls,

Unsent texts to grant second chances,

Blocked him from ever gracing her Facebook,

Erase the past in a memory hole,

Wrinkled bed sheets, a unicorn onesie,

Uncombed hair, how many duvet days more

Till she’s healed with a heart full of stitches?

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Elaine Mullarkey

About the Author: Elaine Mullarkey

She/Her Wordsmith and bibliophile that does a spot of writing every now and again.

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