Lost soul

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I can’t find me.
Where to find my broken pieces?
In depth of despair?
Or in a well of death
where I was once drowned.

I can’t see my hands
Yet I can feel the breeze
That touches my damped skin
Nor my feet
I am limbless now.

My body’s momentously floating
In a humid air, stil melancholy breathing.

Till I found my dismembered hands
A glimpse of a memory occured
I remember –
I broke it while trying to fix you.

Pulverised feet scattering on the ground
How did I lost it?
I remember –
I keep running into you again & again while you were trying to push me away, again & again.

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Joanna Villamor

About the Author: Joanna Villamor

I just wanted to write. I don't know why but writing gives me the adrenaline in life.


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