Burden of Work of Art

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Burden of Work of Art – English Version
by J. W. Cassandra

Between my teeth the word
Glimmers, breathes in flames,
My pen notes on the paper
Rows, it cuts on deep ditches:
The writer is writing his work
Meticulously, rolling a rock –
While, a little fairy from the sky
Is fluttering playfully on the branch,
On the runner of the tree of world
Dreaming, keeps swinging, laughing with ease,
It keeps swinging in the light;
It imbues your heart with yearn of writing…

Burden of work of art a poem by J W Cassandra at Updivine
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Az alkotás súlya – Hungarian Version

Fogam közt szikrákat vet,
Lángot lehel a szó,
Tollam a papírra vet
Sort, mély árkokat ró:
Gondba merülve, súlyos
Sziklát görgetve ír alkotó –
S mindeközben égi tündérke
Pajkosan lebben, világfa
Ágán, indáján merengve,
Könnyedén, kacagva hintázgat,
Ringatózik a fényben;
Alkotás vágyát oltja szívedbe…

Az alkotás súlya a poem by J W Cassandra at Updivine
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I share here an own poem, written in 2011. It belongs to my volume III, “Uniting”, cycle “Eternal Word”. I made it as a montage with an own photo as illustration (Budapest, Budapalace Park). The poem is written about the burden of creating an art-work and the contrast of ease of inspiration, in a playful form.

11/08. 2011., by J. W. Cassandra

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J. W. Cassandra

About the Author: J. W. Cassandra

I am a teacher and a registered author either, at Artisjus as a writer and a poet in Hungary. I write from my childhood, in different genres: fantasies, poems, short stories.

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