Learn to ignore

Ignorance is a best thing one can simply do in chaos. We have many things surrounding us in life but we have to figure out which one is important n which is not. Be a magnet for the things you really need or require, so that only those things will come into your head & heart. Ignorance is magic we all need it to achieve peace & success.

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Beautiful Inside

A poem about those who are overlooked and underappreciated.

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J. W. Cassandra: Hallgatás Tornyából suttogás kél

J. W. Cassandra: Hallgatás Tornyából suttogás kél: ez a legújabb versem, ma reggel írtam. Tisztelt követőmnek, Farshid Imaninak ajánlom az Instagramon. Természetesen nem raktam még be egyik kötetembe sem a verset. Viszont írtam már “Hallgatás Tornya” című ciklust, az 5. , “A fénylő eredet” című kötetemben található. De oda nem rakhatom, mert a köteteimet és ciklusaimat szigorú szerkezettel alkotom meg, minden verseskötetemben 275 vers van, 21 ciklussal, amelyek mindegyike 13 verset tartalmaz, valamint minden kötethez írok egy nyitó- és egy záróverset. Ennélfogva most még nem tudom, hova fogom beilleszteni ezt a verset, de ezekben a vészterhes időkben a legsügetőbbnek és legfontosabbnak gondolom, hogy megosszam itt. Gondoljátok végig az üzenetét, és tudni fogjátok, miért. Mind angolul, mind magyarul megosztom a verset itt. Illusztráció: Mari László, Google Képek, www.geomedika.hu – a kép a Yazdban lévő nyugati hallgatás tornyát ábrázolja. (Whispers of Tower of Silence, by J. W. Cassandra: this is my very newest poem, written today in the morning. I dedicate it to my respective follower in Instagram, Farshid Imani. Obviously, I didn’t place my poem into any of my volumes yet. However, I have written a cycle titled “Tower of Silence”, in my volume 5, “Book of Resplendent Origin” but I can’t place it there: I have a strict structure of my volumes and cycles, all volumes of my poems containe 275 poems, with 21 cycles, each one of them contains 13 poems and I write to all volumes an opening and a closing poem, as well. So, now I can’t tell where I’ll place this poem but I consider it in these times fraught with danger the most urgent and important poem to release here. Think of its message and you will know why. I share this poem both in English and Hungarian. Illustration: by Mari László from Google Images, www.geomedika.hu. The photo depicts the western tower of silence in Yazd.)

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Whispers of Tower of Silence, by J. W. Cassandra

Whispers of Tower of Silence, by J. W. Cassandra: this is my very newest porm, written today in the morning. I dedicate it to my respective follower in Instagram, Farshid Imani. Obviously, I didn’t place my poem into any of my volumes yet. However, I have written a cycle titled “Tower of Silence”, in my volume 5, “Book of Resplendent Origin” but I can’t place it there: I have a strict structure of my volumes and cycles, all volumes of my poems containe 275 poems, with 21 cycles, each one of them contains 13 poems and I write to all volumes an opening and a closing poem, as well. So, now I can’t tell where I’ll place this poem but I consider it in these times fraught with danger the most urgent and important poem to release here. Think of its message and you will know why. I share this poem both in English and Hungarian. Illustration: by Mari László from Google Images, www.geomedika.hu. The photo depicts the western tower of silence in Yazd.

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The happiness cake

Happiness isn’t what you feel only it’s also refers to spreading positivity & love. The more we share it the more we become happier. Despite of all the hardships we should be optimistic about life. Hopes are the wings to our dreams & determination. It encourages us to try more. Remember we are defeated when we accept that we are defeated.

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My figure doesn’t define me

Every one is unique having uniqueness. One’s skin colour or figure is definitely not going to define what’s One’s worthy of. Physical qualities can’t express what’s one from inside. The inner qualities are those which say about a person. Those attributes really matter to know a person.

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Reading Reading is to mind as food to our body More knowledge you get but never get proudy A student’s world is the world of book He mustn’t waste time on how does he look…

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The Plaint of Mathematics

The Plaint of Mathematics I am pierced in every field My knowledge is must for-profit yield From morning till evening you are confronted with me Be it a question of expenses or of paying a…

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Examination: Nothing to Fear

Examination: Nothing to Fear The exam is a chance to prove your talent You must keep patience don’t be violent Your study must start early in the year You must not wait till the exam…

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Focus Emotions are big hurdles on your way To find you in life is difficult many say You come by drop and go by ocean In your absence, we face much tension You play hide…

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A Teacher

A Teacher A Teacher is he who teaches for life To mould his students he always strives He is a mentor, a guide, and a well-wisher He does not care working under much pressure He…

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Mirror Never expect my favour I am always down to earth The honest people in this world are always in a dearth Flattering and pretending is never known to me The same image will be…

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J. W. Cassandra: Moriar-ne omnis?

Moriar-ne Omnis?, by J. W. Cassandra, my poem. The poem is the overture for my work in progress about my favourite historical person and hero, István Türr (11/08. 1825 Baja – 03/05. 1908, Budapest, Hungary) the vice-marshal, the assistant officer for Garibaldi (04/07. 1807., Nice, French – 02/06. 1882., Caprera, Italy) as a member of the Thousand of Marsala. He married niece of Napoleon III. (20/04. 1808. Paris, French – 09/01. 1873. Chislehurst, Engl.), Adele Bonaparte-Wyse, in addition, he was the aid-de-camp for king Victor Emanuel II. (reign: 17/03. 1867. – 09/01. 1878.) of the historical re-united Italy. His contemporaries called him “l’Ungherese intrepido” that is ” the “Intrepid Hungarian”, an ambassador for peace, a freemason and a master of a lodge in Budapest, Hungary. And a long row of his deeds reqiures an eternal memory, so I began a novel on his life and this poem I share now on the anniversary of his passing away as a tribute to him. You can see it in my website, as well, with a bit more information. Link: www.jwcassandra.simplesite.com If you would like to know more about István Türr, check the link below: https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trr_Istvn

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Moriar-ne Omnis?, by J. W. Cassandra

Moriar-ne Omnis?, by J. W. Cassandra, my poem. The poem is the overture for my work in progress about my favourite historical person and hero, István Türr (11/08. 1825 Baja – 03/05. 1908, Budapest, Hungary) the vice-marshal, the assistant officer for Garibaldi (04/07. 1807., Nice, French – 02/06. 1882., Caprera, Italy) as a member of the Thousand of Marsala. He married niece of Napoleon III. (20/04. 1808. Paris, French – 09/01. 1873. Chislehurst, Engl.), Adele Bonaparte-Wyse, in addition, he was the aid-de-camp for king Victor Emanuel II. (reign: 17/03. 1867. – 09/01. 1878.) of the historical re-united Italy. His contemporaries called him “l’Ungherese intrepido” that is ” the “Intrepid Hungarian”, an ambassador for peace, a freemason and a master of a lodge in Budapest, Hungary. And a long row of his deeds reqiures an eternal memory, so I began a novel on his life and this poem I share now on the anniversary of his passing away as a tribute to him. You can see it in my website, as well, with a bit more information. Link: www.jwcassandra.simplesite.com If you would like to know more about István Türr, check the link below: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Istvn_Trr

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J. W. Cassandra: A Lét dala

Carol of Life, by J. W. Cassandra: my newest poem, written today morning. I welcome with it the new year, I share it both in English and Hungarian. Subject of the poem, the Being isn’t me, of course, it is a supernatural Being, a Creator, as I felt by the inspiration, writing the poem.The English version is only a translation by me. Illustration is from me, an own photo. I hope, you will enjoy my poem.

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