What It Was

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“The way I detach myself from people is by far the scariest part about me, because I can love you to death and never see you again.”


And I did.

There were times when

I loved you so much my heart hurt.

Hearts were tied in unbreakable knots.

At times you were my other half,

Most times lost without you.

My love for you was unconditional


Until it wasn’t.

Suddenly, you’re a stranger

Your heart belongs to someone else.

After all it is what it is,

Who knew we’d say goodbye

Without breathing the word.

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Kea Tamara

About the Author: Kea Tamara

22 Aspiring author Poetry & Stories Find more: INSTA: @keawriteshere for poetry WATTPAD: @tamarareadshere for upcoming stories Happy to share and follow 🙂

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