Your pleasing voice compares to the sound of lilies in the dawn of an elated spring day.
It reaches from the vessels of your gold heart and awakens the sun from its sleepy indulgence.
You mesmerize sightseers and place pearls in the gallery of their souls.
Your unparalleled strength is evident in your dark pupils and hazel eyes.
Their beauty and flame is charming
Your wisdom fills vacant spaces, it creates from a home of amiable generosity.
Into the light you guide those you care to listen.
Your eyes tell a tale of mysterious wonder.
They are butterflies in the valley of vanilla cream and honeyed milk
Your value is surpassed by nothing the earth can design
Gold and silver combined have no value compared to you.
You are fine as polished diamonds.
You are beautiful as the summer sunset and magnificent as the site of the wine farmlands of the Western Cape.
You are a pillar and a pearl.
A gem and an exotic flower.
You are simply divine
Again I say silver and gold combined do not shine brighter than you.
You are like the anthology of Whisper Tells Me.
Sweet, fierce, beautiful, phenomenal, powerful.
Rich, evocative, charming and simply asombroso.
You are an orchard that serves sweet and fruitful extract.
You fertilize the earth and give life to possibilities.
You are a landscape of magnificent mountains and rivers.
You are a creation of fascination and a fascinating creation.
Divine you are.