I Am A Woman Who Knows…

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I am a woman who knows…

About the real world and how it can toss you around and beat you to the ground
But I am a woman who knows
how to get back up!

Even on my worst day,
I will put on my face,
Smile and still walk with grace
I have been used and abused
But my humanity I will never lose
I am a woman who knows
Not to ever give up
Failure before success
Thats just the way it is
My tears fall in secret
I wear waterproof mascara so you’ll never see it,

I am a woman who knows that I should always be respected

And to always keep my heart protected

I am a woman who knows many things

I want to be a woman who leaves behind a legacy.

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Marcy Martinez

About the Author: Marcy Martinez

Marcy Martinez is an Instagram poet who started in Oct 2019. She wants to fulfill a dream of becoming a published author in many book genres. Her life is in her poetry.


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