I Saved One Soul – An Allegory

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I Saved One Soul by Ritika Nahata at UpDivine
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It’s been quite long a holidays
I finished all movies and plays
Was having nothing much to do
I have cleared all game levels too

In my room stands an empty wall
Bereft from all of the installs
So we thought, let’s give it a stare
something disturbed me on my chair

It bit me, flew, and sat on wall
I stood, got racket from the hall
Quietly I smashed, hit, and thud
killed aedes that sucked my blood

“You killed poor chap”, my friend exclaimed
I didn’t have much to be explained
had food, resting, it was quiet
Dull, drowsy, it wasn’t gonna bite

Sure! He wasn’t at’ll going to bite
lazy! he had my blood’s diet
Since long my illness was chronic
In my blood ran only tonics

Would’ve lived on diet of drugs
If it survived, poor little bug
I’ve fulfilled my life’s only goal
From medicines’ wrath, saved a soul

I Saved One Soul by Ritika Nahata at UpDivine
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