When The Previous Owner Lingers

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What is a house that is not a home?

Cinder blocks, timber, roof shingles, paint.

Nothing more.

No since of belonging.

No warmth, comfort or happiness.

Because a home cannot be built together when the previous owner lingers.


Walks the halls, paces the floor, and refuses to give you what is rightfully yours.

Traps thier memories inside these walls, like a ghost chained and haunting.

Never to move on, or forward, only frozen to what they remember.

Until no light can be seen, dwendling as all is snuffed out.

Whether artificical or natural; bright as the sun or just an ember, gone.

Because a home cannot be built together when the previous owner lingers.


Neither old or new owner can permeate the darkness that is within.

The sadness pressing down.

A sinking feeling hangs over the new owner; it is felt daily.

Never waning.

Not a mist, but more a fog constantly rolling in.

Because a home cannot be built together when the previous owner lingers.


It traps the pollutants, exacerbating unseen problems.

Under the surface, hid, or ignored by all inhabitants, except one.

Makes breathing difficult, labored and strained.

Never ending misery, woefulness and pain.

Until the old has won, and the new fades away.

Because a home cannot be built together when the previous owner lingers.

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R Raynae Leslie-Draper

About the Author: R Raynae Leslie-Draper

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