Examination: Nothing to Fear

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Examination: Nothing to Fear
The exam is a chance to prove your talent
You must keep patience don’t be violent
Your study must start early in the year
You must not wait till the exam gets near
Work hard as there isn’t a royal road to success
Tension will rise but only you can make it less
Make a schedule of study and follow it strictly
You can win every race if you do it seriously
Your homework must be completed in time
If you take it lightly it is the biggest crime
Punctuality and hard work should be your trait
You must be prompt in every work and never get late
Learning should be fun you must never get bore
You have to learn every subject with its core
Hard work is key to success you must learn this rule
No matter you might be a student of any school
Fear of exam must not snatch your sleep
Hence a proper study schedule you must keep
Always remember you don’t live in confusion
Your parents have from you lots of expectation
Either embarrass them or bring a smile on their face
It is absolutely in your hand how to win the study race
Sajid Ali Khan
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About the Author: Sajid Ali Khan

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