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Reading is to mind as food to our body
More knowledge you get but never get proudy
A student’s world is the world of book
He mustn’t waste time on how does he look
Reading must always be for the sake of knowledge
Whether a student is of school or studies in college
Reading enhances your knowledge and keeps you update
Learn each day something new and never be late
An increase in vocabulary increases your fluency
You get much priority even in less expectancy
Reading boosts your confidence and makes you bold
No matter however you may be very old
Select the books you like to have interest in reading
Once you start never look back you go on reading
Some may like nonfiction while fiction is liked by some
Some may read History or Science to know more about a bomb
Some may read Geography to know about the weather
Some may read to find out how birds fly with feather
No one can deny the importance of reading as it is success’s soul
Without it you can’t gain knowledge in life as it plays a crucial role
So please never waste your time and carry on reading
Because when you stop reading, you stop leading
Sajed Ali Khan
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About the Author: Sajid Ali Khan

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