“Patience, baby”

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Patience baby.
The world is by your side 
And pauses when you need to see.

Patience baby.
The smiles you glow in 
Are lighting the entryways  
Of people’s dark hallways.

Patience baby.  
Your almond eyes are the comforting softness of warmth as cold dare tries to make eye contact.

Patience baby.  
We’re here to hold you in the arms of the universe and it’s companion, Mother Earth.

Patience baby.  
The chapters of your life are still being written in feathers of ink. Each dip of the quill refreshens your life in fluctuating cursive writing.”

Sianna Reigine.

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Sianna Burgos-Altman

About the Author: Sianna Burgos-Altman

I find the subtle beauty that lies within everything that exists. Everything is alive in my eyes which allows me to create authentically in my writing.

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