What are you looking at

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What are you looking at | Short essay by Sarah Platt at UpDivine
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What are you looking at?

Have you ever asked yourself what you would look like if you were standing in front of a mirror which had scrutinized your soul? Are you what you appear to be?

Everyone does have his hidden secrets, his suppressed desires. Remember the young fellow on the street earlier today. The one with the ordinary face. What did he attempt to conceal? Some sexual kink, a ruffled ego? Anything embarrassing, or even horrifying? He had such a charming smile. I yearned to look behind this face, the façade of flesh, discovering the genuine frame of the body.

What if, we were depicted as the exact visualization of our self? Under our gaze slightly turning into something different. Ultimately, metamorphosed into a fairylike, obscure, nearly distorted entity.
Let’s steal a glance at the glass in front of us.

Text and art by Sarah Platt.

What are you looking at | Short essay by Sarah Platt at UpDivine
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Sarah Platt

About the Author: Sarah Platt

🥀 Literature & Philosophy student 🥀Currently writing on my first novel 🥀In love with literature, art, fairies and my pets 🥀Instagram: une.faye 📍Innsbruck, Austria

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