Why are you here
did you listen
why did you run
why did you leave
why did you have to do what you did
morgue is cold
for the young and old
for they know not what they do
but the one who watches does
did you get your last kisses and hugs
there will be a lot of questions and unleft answers
to the clues that will never be told
down to the judges of others with dirty looks
looking to throw the book at every person convicted in place
some wrongly given just to be looked at as a disgrace
innocent until proven guilty but already mistaken identity
Morgue never determines your fate
this world continues to turn at a alarming rate
toetagged in slow position in line some with no answers
slowly taken away in time
forever sorrows, pain, and hurts
the timestamp expires never it won’t ever will
morgue life is just too real
some won’t understand the thought
of the mind that askk the question
money talks and bullshit walks
eyes are the biggest judge
nd you know who watches
the judge of all judges even watches
the judges judging you
tables turn
and the whats done in the dark will come to light
when the biggest decision by the judge will convict the wrong
and free the right
but until this comes
All we got left is just the fight.
Nice 👍