I guess I’ll die another day

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I’m gonna wake up
It’s not my time to go
I guess I’ll die another day

But now it’s the time
Time to stay away from you.

I’ve disturbed you,
bothered you more than it was needed
I’ve expressed everything I feel for you
It was still not enough
I was on my knees, shivering, crawling, pleading
I begged to you, I cried in front of you

I didn’t give up on you
I gave up on myself

I’m gonna wake up
It’s not my time to go
I guess I’ll die another day

But I know
I’ll keep loving you, and you would never do it in return

Now it’s time,
Time to stay away from you

Oh, damn, my love for you
I don’t know why can’t I move on?
But then my heart says,
that it feels such a privilege to it to get
itself hurt by you
It says it’s not in its control to move on
Moving on is something not meant for my heart
It says that it would beat on your name till its last one

In million pieces maybe
Shattering down onto the floor
Still beating on your name
Waiting for you to come back once again

Reflecting your face in each one of its pieces
‘Cause it’s only you who resides in it

I’m gonna wake up
It’s not my time to go
I guess I’ll die another day

Yes, I felt weak
Weak to be so close yet so far from you

I didn’t give up on you
I gave up on myself

‘Cause I know
I’m gonna wake up
It’s not my time to go
I guess I’ll die another day

And I still love you for who you are
I still love you even if you don’t love me back

Don’t you worry, Love…
I’m gonna wake up
It’s not my time to go
I guess I’ll die another day..!



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About the Author: Sameer Choudhary

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