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Is it bad that I lust for her?

More than I love her

But still don’t want to hurt her

She looks beautiful in my eyes

But her personality is not pretty in my eyes

How do I walk away from such a visually beautiful specimen?

That’s a fight we all lose all the time

Beautiful on the outside, ugly on the inside, but somehow we let our eyes decide if we should slide in

The grip tightening,

We keep fighting

The idea of leaving someone that is so great in bed

But treats us so badly

We have nothing to talk about when around each other

But when those lights cut off, we know every little detail about each other

We can’t even cuddle

Because she doesn’t like how my body feels beside her

Why do I stay with her?

She makes me happy in bed

But other than that, the relationship is dead

You know there are a million others that can give us that same happiness and maybe that connection we all need

But we put up that fight instead of grabbing our bags and leaving

We stay just to keep pleasing

When you can’t take anymore, then you try to leave

Then she pops out that bundle of joy

Why date someone that doesn’t make you satisfied?

The only time your satisfaction appears is when you’re inside

Once you produce that new life,

Now you’re stuck with someone that you can never love and your child

I guess sometimes lust holds a barrier between us

That’s too heavy to move

It makes us choose

Body parts over happiness

Which one would you rather choose?


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K. Exum

About the Author: K. Exum

I'm a blogger, poet, and writer. Looking to connect with other writers and hopefully gain some exposure on this platform.

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