The Descent Into Darkness

Once a girl with plenty of hope, Fell down a deep slope. The hope she once had, Now engulfed in darkness sorrow and grief. She fell into something even more deep All positivity now vanished,…

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Without sacredness in the emptiness of this world of ours, the heart of man fades like a flower.

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Losing Myself

Losing myself: Losing myself every second Don’t want to be down on myself because I know I’m not wrong But they make me feel like I’m the problem Just want to go someplace far away…

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Lust: Is it bad that I lust for her? More than I love her But still don’t want to hurt her She looks beautiful in my eyes But her personality is not pretty in my…

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Coffee grains

The sleek falling down the sky, A little bitter than a coffee grain, Yowls in the creak of floors, I’ve heard your beating heart miles ago!!!   They flutter ,they rupture, I’ll walk on u…

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A Dirge – An Elegy by Christina Rossetti

A Dirge is an elegy poem written by Christina Georgina Rossetti to lament the untimely death of someone close. In this poem, she beautifully relates the timing of birth and death of this person with seasons.

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TBH (To Be Honest)

TBH (To Be Honest): To be honest I want to come out and say I miss you girl You was my world The way you make my toes curl You was worth every second of…

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József Attila: A KOZMOSZ ÉNEKE, posted by J. W. Cassandra

SONG OF THE COSMOS, by Attila József, a sonnet wreath (crown), Hungarian, original version. The entire poem consists of a dedication-poem to poet Gyula Juhász – who was the poet’s paternal good friend and who jubilated in 1923 his own 25 years jubilee of his poetry then, with other poets, as well, among them with Attila József. – and 15 sonnets as a crown or wreath sonnets. The poet of THE SONG OF THE COSMOS at the time of writing these poems was only 18 years old. I give a link of his biography: The translation see in my previous post, it is made by J. W. Cassandra, that is me. The sonnets make a circle of cosmos, they show a caleidoscope of life, as for me. The sonnet wreath (crown) consists of 15 different sonnets, each of them writes about an other theme, but the first verses of the strophes reiterate the last one of the previous strophe. In the end, the so-called master sonnet unites all of them by the 1st verses of the strophes. In 1950, there was founded a poetic award, named by Attila József, in Hungary. In addition, we celebrate in our country the Day of Poetry on his birthday every year, on 11 April.

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SONG OF THE COSMOS, by Attila József

SONG OF THE COSMOS, by Attila József, a sonnet wreath (crown), translated by J. W. Cassandra. The entire poemconsists of a dedication-poem to poet Gyula Juhász, who was the poet’s paternal good friend and who jubilated in 1923 his own 25 years jubilee of his poetry then, with other poets, as well, among them with Attila József. The poet of THE SONG OF THE COSMOS at that time was only 18 years old. I give a link of his biography: The translation is made by J. W. Cassandra, that is me. I couldn’t find any translation, since this poem is intricate. Considering its difficulty in interpretation, I strived to render the meaning of the sonnets mainly literally. The sonnets make a circle of cosmos, they show a caleidoscope of life, as for me. The sonnet wreath (crown) consists of 15 different sonnets, each of them writes about an other theme, but the forst verses of the strophes reiterate the last one of the previous strophe. In the end, the so-called master sonnet unites all of them by the 1st verses of the strophes. I share the original, Hungarian version, as well. I hope, I could render enough well Attila József’s artwork. One more note: in 1950, there was founded a poetic award, named by Attila József in Hungary. In addition, we celebrate in our country the Day of Poetry on his birthday every year, on 11 April.

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Red String

An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, and circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle. But it will never break.” – Ancient Chinese Proverb.

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A short poem by a broken heart

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Old Self

I saw a girl.I saw a glimmer in her eyes.She’s wearing a contagious smile. She’s unmasked and every emotion just went out naturally. She laughs like there’s no tomorrow. Seems like there’s no room for…

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I can’t feel anything. Choke hold on my heart Inability to start on those actions that inspire me. I’m frozen in nothing. And not even your smile could fix how I’m feeling. I just have to continue on Until the numbness subsides And this emptiness is gone.

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It’s about going on in life irrespective of the obstacle.

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The Lonely Road

touched by the torture of the migrants during lock down! their pain & anguish strikes a chord somewhere!

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