Colossians emote.
Angelic alleluias bark.
Native canticles call.
Traditional antiphons carol.
Israelite psalmists know.
Compare colossians chant.
Longer surahs run.
Early motets croon.
Canticle is a hymn or chant, typically with a biblical text, forming a regular part of a church service.
This is an ACROSTIC poem. First alphabet of each line joined together from a word. In this case, it is the title of the poem.
I was reading your chant and found it opposing with that of the traditional ones. I feel so as if you put into the poem a pinch of profane from our common days. So, it is interesting for me. And a private message: the new functions seem not to work neither on my pc nor on my mobile, though I tried to confirm your friend request. I asked help and absolutely will confirm. Thank you. 🙏😊