Awe! Come on, show yourself!

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We’re good friends.

I don’t expect you not making yourself known.

I’ve known you for awhile now.

You and I should connect without delay.

That’s the way I see it.

I feel like I have to pry you out.

I have to beg you to appear.

I know you’re there inside me.

I know you wouldn’t play games with me.

That’s not like you.

You love me, right?

You love me very much.

So, let me see you.

Not with my eyes, but with my heart.

Let me see you in love.

Let me hear you in love.

Let me feel you in love.

I want to spend time with you.

I believe you want to spend time with me.

No more hide-n-seek!

It should be the most natural thing to be with you.

Let me experience your presence.

Show yourself please!

Do I have to rub a lantern?

I know, I’m just a tiny bug.

I have no right to be honored by your presence.

I’m nobody, nothing!

I have nobody but you.

If you don’t show yourself, what is left for me?

You are everything to me.

I believe you love me enough to show yourself.

I get it!

You show yourself in the form of love.

I experience a thrilling touch of love.

That’s how I know you are making yourself known.

Is it love I feel?

OK, so I feel your love.

Then what?

We love one another.

I love you because love is everything.

Nothing better than loving and being loved.

So, from now on, when I seek you,

I’m seeking love, your love.

Look for love!

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William Consiglio

About the Author: William Consiglio

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