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Our Family Star A Poem by Curtis Raynard at UpDivine
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Five corners our star has

All connected to your heart

Four children and a husband

Makes every corner a part

In the center of the star

Is where we find your love

Connected to every corner

Branching out to us above

You keep us all connected

With a strength that you know

Giving our lives a purpose

Your the center of our show

You are a wonderful mother

And a strong hearted wife

Glorified with such beauty

As you shine within our life

The center of our family star

Is where the brightness lies

Glimmering at each corner

As you sparkles in our eyes

Many stars are out there

But none as bright as you

Shining within our presence 

You are our golden view

When we need your help

You’re always within our sight

Showing us true meaning

With your love shining bright

You’re the center of attention

Keeping each corner on par

The core to our family

Is the middle of our star


Our Family Star A Poem by Curtis Raynard at UpDivine
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Curtis Raynard

About the Author: Curtis Raynard


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