Demon health systems

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Health care systems
Are the disease in our world,
In our first world nations.
As far as I know
Most Doctors help no one,
But protect each other
From true reports of negligence.

The heath care system
Provides false hope and inadequacy,
In our first world nation.
Patients are suffering in their care.
Or suffering waiting too long to receive it.
Doctors do not know health,
Or how to achieve wellness.

In our health care system,
Doctors are glorified
In their provision of suffering.
While the suffering caused
Is exuded in uncovered cost
Of counselors and alternative medicine-
That could save lives, unlike,

Our first world health care systems.

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Darlene Pevach

About the Author: Darlene Pevach

Child poet and long time writer of over 30 years turned advocate for community development. Professional connections accepted via LinkedIn

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