I found my Hope

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I was blinded by the darkness
that feeds me despair
I was crushed by the murmuring voices
that yell me in silence
I was trapped inside my own delusion
My thoughts were battling like untamed soldiers
I can no longer escape the reality.

A deafening silence once prevailed
There, a familiar voice speaks in a calm tone
A voice which I hail
A voice that says,
“Stand up my dear, there are so many battles to fight for, many mountains to climb for, but there is hope that you can hold on to, and a light you’ve been searching for.”

Now I found my hope
That rendered me light
He is God
The Almighty Father.

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Joanna Villamor

About the Author: Joanna Villamor

I just wanted to write. I don't know why but writing gives me the adrenaline in life.

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