I Would

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This feeling is forlorn
But who are we
To fuss about it?
It is better than that facade
Crawling with temptation
Gnawing at us
As we start anew
In oblivion
As the sun is up
But realize that we’ve failed
As the evening thuds on our heads
With a cold light
Indifferent to our disappointments
Our discontent
And our restive selves.
I would
Delve deep and know
The forlorn spirit you conjure upon me
With your juvenile gestures
And untimely calls.
I would
Embrace the disappointment
And the discontent
You blow at me
Along with your coquettish whispers.
It doesn’t matter
The loneliness you summon is divine
Above all
It’s fun.
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Janitha Fernando

About the Author: Janitha Fernando

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