Enchantment of the Soul, by J. W. Cassandra

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Your charming face from the distance of being
Your charming face from the distance of the soul
And although I have long forgotten your name, fairy
your secret,
The wind whispers happily to me, messages
your secret.
The wind sighs, moans, whistles, hisses, roars:
Through the rays of light, the soul turns over:
She enchants blowing his flute with the language of secrets
She summons ancient secrets hiding in the image of light
And I know: your glamorous face from a soul distance is
My God
Who once uttered my name, and me into existence
Who once shaped my light-being and made me a soul
And who, though from the distance of being his face shines, He me
Because I know I am his image, whom He does
And in existence I, who is one with him, as Soul


30/08. 2021, by J. W. Cassandra

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J. W. Cassandra

About the Author: J. W. Cassandra

I am a teacher and a registered author either, at Artisjus as a writer and a poet in Hungary. I write from my childhood, in different genres: fantasies, poems, short stories.

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