
Fire Light   Feeling like I’m doing the dance of death up down and all around so restless can’t sit still going mad thinking that it could be true that’s what scares me to know…

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J. W. Cassandra: Halhatatlan szépség halandó köntösben

J. W. Cassandra: Halhatatlan szépség halandó köntösben: ezt a verset egy kedves barátomnak írtam kommentként. Ez a fotó inspirálta, és ő nekem ajándékozta. Megszerkesztettem a verset, és most megosztom mind angolul, mind magyarul. A fotó @_nature_beast_8896 vagy Shubham Vinay Patane tulajdona. Ko-operációban osztottuk meg ezt a kis verset az Instagramon. Remélem, tetszeni fog! ( Immortal Beauty in Mortal Cloak, by J. W. Cassandra: this poem I wrote as a comment to my dear friend inspired by his photo and he gifted it me. I edited the poem and now share it here both in English and Hungarian. The photo belongs to @_nature_beast_8896 or Shubham Vinay Patane. We shared this little poem in Instagram in co-operation. I hope you will like it!)

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J. W. Cassandra: Halhatatlan szépség halandó köntösben

J. W. Cassandra: Halhatatlan szépség halandó köntösben: ezt a verset egy kedves barátomnak írtam kommentként. Ez a fotó inspirálta, és ő nekem ajándékozta. Megszerkesztettem a verset, és most megosztom mind angolul, mind magyarul. A fotó @_nature_beast_8896 vagy Shubham Vinay Patane tulajdona. Ko-operációban osztottuk meg ezt a kis verset az Instagramon. Remélem, tetszeni fog! ( Immortal Beauty in Mortal Cloak, by J. W. Cassandra: this poem I wrote as a comment to my dear friend inspired by his photo and he gifted it me. I edited the poem and now share it here both in English and Hungarian. The photo belongs to @_nature_beast_8896 or Shubham Vinay Patane. We shared this little poem in Instagram in co-operation. I hope you will like it!)

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Immortal Beauty in Mortal Cloak,, by J. W. Cassandra

Immortal Beauty in Mortal Cloak, by J. W. Cassandra: this poem I wrote as a comment to my dear friend inspired by his photo and he gifted it me. I edited the poem and now share it here both in English and Hungarian. The photo belongs to @_nature_beast_8896 or Shubham Vinay Patane. We shared this little peom in Instagram in co-operation. I hope you will like it!

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J. W. Cassandra: Pillangó a tengeren

J. W. Cassandra: Pillangó a tengeren: ezt a verset nemrég írtam egyenest az Instagram eíró sávjába. Először angolul írtam meg, majd magyarul is. A fotót én magam készítettem Aszódon, a címlapot a Canván szerkesztettem. Még nem raktam be egyikbe sem a 18 kötetem közül. Itt a verset mind angolul, mind magyarul megosztom. Remélem, tetszeni fog ez a kis vers! (Butterfly on the Sea, by J. W. Cassandra: This poem was written recently right to the description bar in Instagram. First I wrote it in English, then in Hungarian. The photo I myself took in town Aszód, the pict for the title page I made in Canva. I did not place it yet into any of my volumes of the 18 ones. Here I share the poem both in English and Hungarian. I hope you will like this little poem.)

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J. W. Cassandra: Pillangó a tengeren

J. W. Cassandra: Pillangó a tengeren: ezt a verset nemrég írtam egyenest az Instagram eíró sávjába. Először angolul írtam meg, majd magyarul is. A fotót én magam készítettem Aszódon, a címlapot a Canván szerkesztettem. Még nem raktam be egyikbe sem a 18 kötetem közül. Itt a verset mind angolul, mind magyarul megosztom. Remélem, tetszeni fog ez a kis vers! (Butterfly on the Sea, by J. W. Cassandra: This poem was written recently right to the description bar in Instagram. First I wrote it in English, then in Hungarian. The photo I myself took in town Aszód, the pict for the title page I made in Canva. I did not place it yet into any of my volumes of the 18 ones. Here I share the poem both in English and Hungarian. I hope you will like this little poem.)

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Butterfly on the Sea, by J. W. Cassandra

Butterfly on the Sea, by J. W. Cassandra: This poem was written recently right to the description bar in Instagram. First I wrote it in English, then in Hungarian. The photo I myself took in town Aszód, the pict for the title page I made in Canva. I did not place it yet into any of my volumes of the 18 ones. Here I share the poem both in English and Hungarian. I hope you will liket his little poem.

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J. W. Cassandra: Lélek a lélekhez, szív a szívhez

J. W. Cassandra: Lélek a lélekhez, szív a szívhez: ez a vers a párja az itt előzőleg megosztott”Csak a szív beszél” című versemnek. Majdnem egyszerre írtam meg őket. És lehet úgy értelmezni, mint ígéretet arra, hogy örökre együtt maradunk, a távoli múlttól kezdve a végtelenségbe tartva… Remélem, tetszeni fognak külön és együtt is. Ez előtt osztottam meg az angol változatot. Illusztráció: Anja-#pray for ukraine# #helping hands# stop the war, Pixabay. (Soul to Soul, Heart to Heart, by J. W. Cassandra: this poem is the pair of the previously shared poem titled “Only the Heart Talks”. It was written almost at the same time with that. And it can be interpreted as a promise for remaining together forever, starting from the distant past and going to the infinity… I hope you will like them apart and together, as well. I shared right before this one the English version, as well. Illustration: by Anja-#pray for ukraine# #helping hands# stop the war, from Pixabay.)

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Soul to Soul, Heart to Heart, by J. W. Cassandra

Soul to Soul, Heart to Heart, by J. W. Cassandra: this poem is the pair of the previously shared poem titled “Only the Heart Talks”. It was written almost at the same time with that. And it can be interpreted as a promise for remaining together forver, starting from the distant past and going to the infinity… I hope you will like them apart and together, as well. I will share right after this one the Hungarian version, as well. Illustration: by Anja-#pray for ukraine# #helping hands# stop the war, from Pixabay.

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J. W. Cassandra: Csak a szív beszél…

J. W. Cassandra: Csak a szív beszél… Ezt a verset mostanában írtam, és a következővel szorosan összetartozik: “Lélek a lélekhez, szív a szívhez”. Párt alkotnak együtt, kiegészítő feleket. A két verset kicsit később a 18., “Hiány” című kötetembe fogom rakni. Miután itt megosztom a mind az angol, mind a magyar változatot, az utóbbit is fölrakom. Illusztráció: Mahmut Koyuncu, Pixabay. (Only the Heart Talks, by J. W. Cassandra: this poem was written recently and tightly belongs to the next one, titled: “Soul to Soul, Heart to Heart”. They make a pair for each other, the complementary ones. This 2 poems I will place into my volume 18 “Incompletion”, a bit later. After sharing here both the English and Hungarian versions I will submit the latter, as well. Illustration for this poem is by Mahmut Koyuncu, from Pixabay.)

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Only the Heart Talks…, by J. W. Cassandra

Only the Heart Talks, by J. W. Cassandra: this poem was written recently and tightly belongs to the next one, titled: “Soul to Soul, Heart to Heart. They make a pair for each other, the complementary ones. This 2 poems I will place into my volume 18 “Incompletion”, abit later. After sharing here both the English and Hungarian versions I will submit the latter, as well. Illustration for this poem is by Mahmut Koyuncu, from Pixabay.

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J. W. Cassandra: A lélekhíd

J. W. Cassandra: A lélekhíd: ez a legújabb versem, ma írtam. Az ötletet egy felhívás adta valamilyen mű írására, ami a “szobrászati kapcsolat” kifejezést foglalja magába. Ráadásul véletlen olvastam. Aztán gondolkodtam rajta, mivel volt egy tehetséges, jó barátom fiatal koromban, aki szobrásznak készült. És ez az ötletem támadt. Az angol változatot is megosztottam itt. Illusztráció: Ana Krach, Pixabay. (The Soul Bridge, by J. W. Cassandra: This is my newest poem, written today. The idea was an appeal for writing something including the expression “sculpting connection”. I read it by chance. Then I was thinking of it since I had a talented good friend who was a sculptor-to-be in our youth. And I had this idea. I shared here the English version, as well. Illustration is by Ana Krach, from Pixabay.)

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The Soul Bridge, by J. W. Cassandra

The Soul Bridge, by J. W. Cassandra: This is my newest poem, written today. The idea was an appeal for writing something including the expression “sculpting connection”. I read it by chance. Then I was thinking of it since I had a talented good friend who was a sculptor-to-be in our youth. And I had this idea. I will share here the Hungarian version, as well. Illustration is by Ana Krach, from Pixabay.

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J. W. Cassandra: Mindig megtalállak

J. W. Cassandra: Mindig megtalállak: mostanában írt versem tavaszi sétánk atmoszférájának szülötte. És rejtett üznetetet hordoz, ami lehet enigma vagy szimbólum. Ez a vers szorosan ez előző versemhez tartozik. Mind magyarul, mind angolul megosztom. Az illusztráció saját fotóm. (I Will Always Find You, by J. W. Cassandra: my recent poem was born by our spring walk atmosphere. And it hides a secret message, either an enigma, or a symbol. This poem belongs closely to my previous one. I share the poem here both in English and Hungarian. Illustration is my own photo.)

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I Will Always Find You, by J. W. Cassandra

I Will Always Find You, by J. W. Cassandra: my recent poem was born by our spring walk atmosphere. And it hides a secret message, either an enigma, or a symbol. This poem belongs closely to my previous one. I share the poem here both in English and Hungarian. Illustration is my own photo.

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