My Love – My Murderer, J. W. Cassandra

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My Love – My Murderer Part 1
by J. W. Cassandra

In my eyes you are
not that whom others

In your eyes I am
not that whom others

You seek for the sparkle
of lust in my

I seek for the sparkle
of lust in your

You see in my eyes
how the regret heaves
to be sea.

I see in your eyes
how the regret heaves
to be sea.

You see in my eyes,
tide of regret inundates,
washes you away –

I see in your eyes,
tide of regret inundates,
washes me away –

In my eyes blazing blazes
the four hundred years old

In your eyes blazing blazes
the four hundred years old

From my eyes
tide of regret flows
in vain.

From your eyes
tide of regret flows
in vain.

In my eyes the four hundred
years old stake bursts in

In your eyes the four hundred
years old stake bursts in

The greedy flame of
the stake catches at
my heart

The greedy flame of
the stake catches at
your heart

Sea current of tears
streams from
my eyes

Sea current of tears
streams from
your eyes

And scream of my agony
splits in two your

My Love My Murderer - A Poem By J W Cassandra at UpDivine
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And scream of your agony
splits in two my

I know, I was your hangman,
curse me,
my love!

I know, you was my hangman,
let you be blessed,
my love!

From my eyes streams
the wish that you forgive
me at last.

From your eyes streams
the wish that I forgive
you at last.

In my eyes you see
the cross is erected yet –
do I knock in the nail?

In your eyes I see
the cross is erected yet –
do you knock in the nail?

I pull in my heart,
bless the

You pull in your heart,
bless the

On my heart your hand,
the deadly quivers,
my love.

On your heart my hand,
the deadly quivers,
my love.

In my eyes you see,
your murderess will be
me again

In your eyes I see,
my murderer will be
you again

Let warmth of your heart
bless my hand,
your murderer’s, my love!

Warmth of my heart
blesses your hand,
my murderer’s, my love!

My Love My Murderer - A Poem By J W Cassandra at UpDivine
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  1. 12. 20., translation 21/10. 2019.,
    by J. W. Cassandra

My Lover My Murderer | A Poem by J W Cassandra at UpDivine
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J. W. Cassandra

About the Author: J. W. Cassandra

I am a teacher and a registered author either, at Artisjus as a writer and a poet in Hungary. I write from my childhood, in different genres: fantasies, poems, short stories.


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