A Wish

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A Wish | A Poem by Karan Budhiraja at UpDivine
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A Wish

Send me into isolation,
So that I learn to jump off,
And see what lies farther away beyond the horizon,

Send me into exile from this world,
So that I can discover new ideas,
And create a universe of my own,

Send me into darkness,
So that I can uncover the brightness,
To enlighten the soul of my own

Send me a gift of solitude,
So that I can pay you back,
With entireness and completeness of my own.

A Wish | A Poem by Karan Budhiraja at UpDivine
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A Wish | A Poem by Karan Budhiraja at UpDivine
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Karan Budhiraja

About the Author: Karan Budhiraja

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