Alden, My Prince of Peace

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I wrote this poem for a special man from Nova Scotia, Canada who  I met over the telephone when my mum who I was taking take of suffered from dementia. He was her first cousin. We would speak on the telephone from afar for many months.I fell in love with his voice and after my mum passed I travelled with my son to scatter some of her beautiful hair upon the graves of her family members in a tiny village cemetery in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. I finally met Alden in person on that trip and thus began a friendship and love that lasted until his death in 2018. He was a poet, a construction worker during his working years and a true gentleman who loved nature and me once retired. Serendipity. When apart we would write poetry for each other which shortened the miles between us. Here is a short poem I wrote for him in 2015.

Alden, My Prince of Peace

With unbridled passion
this being faces each new day
this body with mind works mechanically
knowing that come the night – Peace is certain.
– As I lay my head upon your chest
legs tangled beneath our covers
I can close my eyes
– You are my peace.

Maria myra trudel 2015

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About the Author: Maria Trudel

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