Black Hearts

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Black Hearts | A poem by Mystqx Skye at UpDivine
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Black Hearts

Her heart throbbed wildly as he plunged
passionately between her clenched thighs.
Moist heat setting their bodies on fire.
He moved deeply inside her,
into the pits of her wanton world.
Fighting her demons.
Burning everything down,
except that place where only they exist;
where he possess… consumes…
devours her – entirely.
It’s pain – insane.
It’s pleasure – intense.
Another darkness.
Another madness.

Black Hearts | A poem by Mystqx Skye at UpDivine
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Black Hearts | A poem by Mystqx Skye at UpDivine
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Mystqx Skye

About the Author: Mystqx Skye

She loves to write. Craves for the taste of sun on her skin. Misses the wave & sand caressing her feet. Constantly updates her bucket list. Book Author: Bared.

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