Phtographic Nostalgia

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Nestled in these pages of what I am now holding,
Lie a plethora of memories.
Photos heartwarming,
A life of loving and caring.
A book filled with hundreds of stories.

I see my mother beside me,
We both, fondly gulping vanilla ice-cream.
I see my whole family,
Happily posing on the balcony.
The distant memory,
Of me, small and full of innocence,
Getting ready for school now seems like a dream!

Nostalgia strikes!
I realise how quickly time flies.
Tears flow out as my soul cries,
Recalling those heart-wrenching goodbyes.
How blessed am I!
For within me, gratefulness lies
For the people who caressed me,
With their blissful hugs and smiles!

Reminiscences of a childhood,
The time I was still carefree,
The time I was always happy
Slowly disappeared with the onset of adulthood.
Yet, the moments I had cherished with all my heart,
Are all encaptured,
In these precious pictures.
Wherever I go,
Wherever I live,
Wherever I work,
Wherever I die,
This album of my golden memories,
Is the most glorious of all treasures!

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The Inconspicuous Poet

About the Author: The Inconspicuous Poet

Musings of a 20 year old


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