A New Beginning

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We from before
Bring lessons learned
With new ones now
Become concerned

A pause, a breath:
Consider we
That which may in
Our future be

Higher potentials
With hesitantly
Hopeful eyes

What will occur?
Perhaps we’ll grow
To be what we
Inwardly know

In outward sameness!
So resolved,
We gaze on mountaintops

Then set our shoulders
To the wheel
Again our strength’ning
Muscles feel

Put feet upon
The humble road
Balancing our load

Knowing if we
But step ahead
In faithful time
We will be led

Unto the eminence
We crave
Only be true,
Only be brave…

For think ye from
Where we began
In those years past
Which, as they ran

Beside us, saw
We had not dreamed
Whilst wonder seized

Us at each turn
Upon the unexpectedly
Contorted path!
It dipped and we

Where overwhelmed
By black despair
Yet came again
To open air

And when we’d gained
The clarity
Of an unblocked

We reconnoitered
Our surround
That our true progress
Might be found

Astonished to
From that safe knoll
Gaze down upon
Our erstwhile goal!

So stoutly to
The harness go:
Under the sun
We can but grow

The poet/editor of this website is physically disabled, and lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level. Contributions may be made at:https://www.gofundme.com/are-you-a-patron-of-the-arts

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Ana Daksina

About the Author: Ana Daksina

Over 200,000 times to date, thousands have been enjoying 2,500 works of original poetry and prose at the Timeless Classics site: http://timelessclassics.wordpress.com Join us!

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