Break Free

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(A real man —or woman — walks away)



When folks are dedicated conflict to
Don’t even wish to kind agree
Won’t tell the simple truth to you —
Break free, break free, break free!

Although in past much sorrow has,
And suffering, right to the bone,
Followed departure, time that was,
I knew my way to God alone

Perhaps my words in future be
Spoken much more humbly
As hunger and humiliation
Take their toll on me

But when there comes the time
One is dishonored who hath stayed
That is the time the inner
Moral piper must be paid

That moment I know nothing, now,
I have to offer may prevail
Establish justice to — know chaos
In that place will yet prevail

In kind and in intention
In flavor and degree,
No longer accommodating
Essences of poetry

Know any contribution more
Will only to the chaos add,
But that fond absence will allow
The people left behind be glad…

Well, damn me if I will allow
The pains of my advancing age
Or of my disability
Prevent the turning of that page

And hope in my departure
As I too often do
That by it there be left some part
Our friendship we unto

The poet/editor of this website is physically disabled, and lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level. Contributions may be made at:

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Ana Daksina

About the Author: Ana Daksina

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