No End

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You don’t have to tell me
I feel it and I know
You’re preparing from this world
Sooner than later go

You’ve staunchly held opinion
That there continues after death
Absolutely nothing
Beyond that last sweet breath

Although it isn’t easy
For you to feel it, you
Must admit that this belief
Hath small basis it unto

You haven’t talked to anyone
Qualified to you assure
That nothing of your Beingness
Beyond that change endure

You to self at this moment
Of ultimate honesty
Must admit that that belief
Is just a theory

As likely or unlikely
As deities both personal
And impersonal, ancient
Manuscripts are full

At least allow yourself relief
At least to self be kind
Sufficient to allow the comfort
Of an open mind

For all of my experience
In this life, my good friend,
Instructs me that what we call “death”
Is a beginning, not an end

The poet/editor of this website is physically disabled, and lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level. Contributions may be made at:

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Ana Daksina

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