Silly Stuff

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(For a friend who shall remain mercifully nameless)


I’ve got a buddy in the trade
By whom as much a mess is made
Of rhyme and meter as my own

Which is to say, of course, I mean
His rhyme and meter’s awful keen
I have enamored of it grown

Enamored of its groan, as well —
For once beneath its turgid spell,
No longer reas’ning very well

Imagine it me much amuse
Replete with qualities profuse
Some other qualities excuse!

Like, just for instance, last time I
Was made to laugh his poems by
I spewed my cocktail on my skirt

For which no other reason than
An absolutely ideal man
Decided after all he wouldn’t flirt

So reading my friend’s works can be
A high risk pursuit for me
And just as if that hazard weren’t enough

Under his influence find
I’m turning to a whole behind —
That guy has got me writing silly stuff!

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Ana Daksina

About the Author: Ana Daksina

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