What’s a Drug?

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What is it we’ve been waging war upon?
I want more information on this thug
We’ve all been beating mercilessly on
Somebody please inform me: What’s a drug?

Is it a substance which will make you ill
If you decide, when it is left in reach,
Its contents unreservedly to swill? —
Then we must also outlaw starch and bleach

Perhaps it is a thing which, if you eat
Enough, will make you feel just wonderful
All soft of heart, beloved, mellow, sweet —
Outlaw dark choc’late — try it, if you will!

Perhaps its definition has to do
With whatever engenders cravings that
Ever anon must be fulfilled by you —
No one may serve salt with sugar and fat…

In many earlier societies
Access to mind altering substances
Was close as very bark upon the trees
Yet rarely used to aught point of duress

The people waited for the party; till
Their ordinary work was all complete —
Rarer than rare to find someone who will
Put himself destitute upon the street

The usual “primitive” village of —
Why would that be, do you ever suppose?
Perhaps among them lived a bit more love
A little less of profiteering’s throes

A goodly time spent relaxation in
Low stress, and realer expectations, from
Those less determined all themselves to win,
More interested good neighbors become?

Presently, in the place where I reside,
One half the people living in a cage
Two grown men to a space but ten feet wide
Have reached each tender or advancing age

Not having hurt a solitary soul
What did they do? They felt their misery
Diminish them, sought to become more whole,
Know joy again — walked over to that tree

We make them register, deny their vote
Spontaneously to admit their “crime”
Unable so much as to board a boat
Or buy a pocket knife — for they’ve “done time”

I ask someone to justify the need
For these innocent people caged to be
Irrational that they should be unfreed
For spending a few moments happily

Of all the substances this shaman has
In her researches ever seen or used,
Initiated to the secrets of
Or heard tales of how badly ’twere abused

Worse than cocaine, heroin, PCP —
Responsible for more misuse than all
Creating most collective misery
Is ordinary legal alcohol

The poet/editor of this website is physically disabled, and lives at a fraction of her nation’s poverty level. Contributions may be made at:https://www.gofundme.com/are-you-a-patron-of-the-arts

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Ana Daksina

About the Author: Ana Daksina

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