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Recently, we celebrated Mother’s Day.

About which I just wanted to say

That not all of us look at a mother

Quite in the same conventional way.

I would like to acknowledge 

That no soul would demean

The beauty of motherhood,

The best of love ever understood.

The one who gives us our first home,

Brings us to life after carrying us for so long 

As we slowly grow in the comfort of a womb,

Protected, nurtured, raised and loved

like we belong.

But apart from the mother-daughter 

And the mother-son relationship,

There are relations of many others

That we forget are not 

always of kinship.

Those mothers who adopted a child

And raised the less fortunate like their own,

We salute your boundless affection 

To a child who would not have been so fortunate 

Had they not discovered your home.

Those mothers who lost a child 

To war or disease or accident or violence 

And had to bury a part of their being.

We are thinking of you immensely 

Believing your child became a star in the heavens.

Those children who lost their mothers,

Hope you know, with hearts full of love,

We miss your mama today just like you do

And she is looking down at you and is protecting you

While she rests in peace in the heavens above.

Those men and women who were not bestowed 

With the biological gift to bear offspring

But chose to become mothers anyhow 

For they dreamt of a future without any prejudices 

Since their inner motherhood gave a calling.

Those who are going to be mothers 

Or are yearning someday to be a mother,

We are sending you flowers for your baby shower

‘Cause we are thinking of you very much

For you bring the future into this world.

Those bonds between a mother and child

That over the years developed a strain,

We are thinking of you today

And urge you to reconcile for life is short,

And come aboard, hop on to this train.

Those who do not want to be mothers, 

We must respect your choice wholeheartedly 

For we know being a mother is a responsibility 

And is not to be taken lightly.

Nobody has a right to question your integrity. 

A commitment like that 

Needs complete dedication. 

The choice is that of the women alone.

So shame on those who judge,

Who do not understand.

Lastly, we pray that the Mother Earth 

Shows mercy on the humankind.

We promise to be judicious and respect

The resources that you provide us

And make our unyielding greed be defined.

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About the Author: Arziya S

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