Cave System

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pulling my muddy hand
on rock, breathless, gasping
deep breaths; straining
my muscles, I crawl limply.

near death, there is light,
casting thinly on narrow
stone. I’m bringing my
heart, and I carry on.

teardrops fall quickly down
my cheek, why me? while I
flee, my watering eyes drain.

hurt by where I’ve ended up,
my life is meandering a tunnel.
climbing from the heat rising,
I’m palest from dehydration.

I hold the idea of an oasis
on the surface; grimacing
for faith, pleading for my life.
hell is more than a kilometre.

rapture is my own through
the open hollow. dragging
my legs silently on my belly,
you’ll meet my tragedy.

God is always with you and I,
even at our dark-bottom
moments; as my fingers grip
the dawn of my cave system.

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Cory Buchanan

About the Author: Cory Buchanan

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