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(c) copyright by Cupideros, January 12, 2020, 6:54


Her lips were a pink lip-glossy brand
Wet with desire for divorce and cash.
Her eyes were big as a magnifying glass,
Searching for diamonds and a bump upward in class,
Monkey branching limb to limb for stuff,
Who dumped me silent swift in a mist
For a Tender man who did not exist.

Her needs were certainly not my needs.
Her seeds for the future, not my seed.
We were growing two separate gardens,
Hers in the futures, mine in the pasts.
All I wanted from her was love, love, love.
All I got was shit-test, test, test, test.
Brought me down off my confidence high.
Tamed me, trained me to disconnect.

Sometimes the puppet hand is not her brand.
Sometimes the puppet hand is someone else’s hand.
Could be a gay, lesbian or LEFT Fascist hand;
Could be Misandry, Matriarchy, Mongering band,
Or Fonosandry*, Hate Speech, Duluth stand,
Playing the V-card outside the womb strand.

Left me on the altar of marriage and trust,
Had no time to truly relate and date,
Wanted to eat her cake and have it, too!
Denying physics, science, and nature,
Left me to think over about female nature;
Avoid the chameleon, take the NAWALT debut.
The V-Card open to the next after monkey branch.

She left me confused about finding the one.
A loving, loyal, woman to her one man.
Come on, Come on, she must be out there.
Always these girl-childs looking for a multimillionaire.
Always these girl-childs lacking manners or a classy flair.
An adult woman who knows how to morally relate.
An adult woman easy as a silverplate.

(Now) sometimes the puppet hand is not her brand.
Sometimes the puppet hand is someone else’s hand.
Could be a gay, lesbian or LEFT Fascist hand;
Could be Feminist Cult, Coercive Control Mongering band,
Or Fonosandry*, Hate Speech, Duluth stand,
Playing the Perfect, No Sin, female post womb strand.

(Music interlude)

Thought the mirror, and I saw her true form.
They say love and age always tell the truth.
But her package is only my love projection.
She encouraged in me powerful affections.
Her complexion washes away at night.
This is the price I pay for letting love incite.
I do not know her or when she took flight.
All I know is all-female nature misinforms.

But I always hope the Gods will bless
The next glance of my eyes into a woman’s heart.
To see beyond her hands into her brand,
Not overwhelmed by propagandized plans.
And she can break away, make a new start,
Ditch the broken star and victim shopping cart.

Sometimes . . . the puppet hand is not her brand.
Sometimes the puppet hand is someone else’s hand.
Could be a gay, lesbian or LEFT Fascist hand;
Could be Misandry, Matriarchy, Mongering band,

Or Fonosandry*, Hate Speech, Duluth stand,
Sometimes the Climate Change puppet hand,
Playing the V-card outside the womb strand.
Playing the Perfect, No Sin, female post womb stance . . .

*fonosandism, fonosandry – the advocacy of radical gynocentric women to eradicate the male sex. Term created by Ava Brighton

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Cupideros Novelist & Poet

About the Author: Cupideros Novelist & Poet

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