If I could choose…

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If I could choose to love or not,

Maybe I would choose to not,

‘Cause that mostly of the times ends badly,

At that end, as the end of a film series, as the end of a road, it makes you feel lonely.

But anyway here I am loving everything and every soul that surrounds me,

‘Cause that’s one of the things I do best,

If I could choose to run or stay,

I would choose to run,

Sometimes you find it best to be a coward,

But anyway here I am,

Staying more than ever,

To not feel bad for not trying later.

If I could choose to believe or not,

Maybe I would choose to not,

That can disappoints you more than you would ever know,

But anyway here I am,

To believe and change with belief,

If I could choose to be born or to not be,

Maybe I would choose to not be,

not being alive can save you from a lots of dark and light things which can both destroy you in the same way,

But mostly from a world which is called bad when it shows the truth as it is,

But mostly from a world which is called good when it lies beautifully,

But anyway here I am,

Living the life for free,

In which everything has its own fee,

If I could choose to fight for me or to lose me,

Maybe I would just let myself go,

Losing the soul can’t just make you weaker if it can’t make you stronger,

But anyway here I am,

Trying to find myself, fighting for her.

If I could choose…

or maybe I had a chance,

But even If I didn’t, I would thank my inner self,

For the choice I’m sure she did,

To be here for me and world,

Even if that meant the hardest road instead of the easiest,

‘Cause that is a choice too,

The best choice made by me and even you,

Who made the life, after all to be mine and yours too.

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Desara Mehmeti

About the Author: Desara Mehmeti

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