An Address to the Old Guard

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Nostalgia lies to confident idiots

Yearning to relive old glories.

Forget certain lines in history

Cannot be scratched out.

When reckoning shall come,

Time is cruel in its retribution.



Useless words held no comfort

For a land in so much fear.

Listen as a nations’ bones strain

Under the burden of ignorance.

Arrogance led to nowhere,

Left helpless, yet still selfish.


Them who were blamed, attacked, hated on,

Fought back, defiant, refused to stand down.

See how people danced in the streets,

As Democracy issued an eviction notice.

Not sorry a fragile ego got bruised,

Just delighted to see the back of it.

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Elaine Mullarkey

About the Author: Elaine Mullarkey

She/Her Wordsmith and bibliophile that does a spot of writing every now and again.

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