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It starts with a boy,

All ripped jeans and battered converses.

Scribbles ghost stories in coffee shops

Near black tea and cookie crumbs.

Guitar chords of punk rock anthems

Remind him of rough stars and faded scars.

Packs away old memories in cardboard boxes,

Before he moves forward and begins anew.


Then there’s a girl,

All hipster glasses and bitten nails.

Reads classics with cracked spines,

Dog-eared pages and writing on the margins.

String orchestras are her soundtrack

As she leads a life of laughter and polaroids.

Parades in Doc Martin’s with a messy bun,

Follows her own path and no one else’s.


They meet in a drunken haze

Of hormones and glitter.

His baby blues meet her hazel browns

Under fairy lights and disco music.

Hung out near the rusty swing set,

To escape the party animals and recluses.

Moonlight discussions on literature

End with swapped numbers and playful grins.

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Elaine Mullarkey

About the Author: Elaine Mullarkey

She/Her Wordsmith and bibliophile that does a spot of writing every now and again.

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