The School Of Envy

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There are the pretty girls.

French talons with perfect white moons

As flawless as their Neutrogena ad skin.

Arched eyebrows over winged eyeliner

Primed for death glares at wannabes and nobodies.


There are the smart girls.

Smug looks at another stellar grade,

The pristine paper not stained in scarlet ink.

Arrogant scoffs and dramatic eye rolls

At you for simply asking a question.


Then there are the funny girls.

Comedy queens in their own little squad,

Trailblazers for side-splitting success in life.

The kind of laughter that hurts your stomach,

But makes you cry when you’re part of the joke.


I swallow another bitter pill.

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Elaine Mullarkey

About the Author: Elaine Mullarkey

She/Her Wordsmith and bibliophile that does a spot of writing every now and again.

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