Dear Corona

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Corona Virus Poem
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Dear Covid-19
You first took our world by storm
Later spread fear to every part of the globe
Making people to go into self quarantine

Discovered in ’19
Without giving us any notice
You decided to follow us into ’20
When we’re still hopeless and unprepared

You came prepared for the mission
And claimed thousands of lives
Within a very short period of time
And you still want more and more every day

Life has stopped to be the same anymore
Ever since you appeared on the world surface
We no longer interact freely like before
And no matter how much we miss that
We still have to admit that’s history for now.

I hope that you will come to pass
And people can go back to their lives
Feel free to shake hands once again
Talk to each other without masks
Without the fear of contracting Corona.

Corona Virus Poem
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elton kitti

About the Author: elton kitti

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