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Hope | A Poem by Mubarak Ali Wadia at UpDivine
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Let’s get depressed,
Let’s cry on our mutual sorrows
Let’s cry on the time we got betrayed,
for the time we were taken advantage of
For the time we were torn apart from the loved ones
And for the time we were left alone

Let’s get together and mourn aloud,
For the times we cried to sleep,
And for the times we wanted to die
Let’s not ask each other to feel alive,
Let’s not pressurize each other to pretend happiness.
Why are we keeping this old tradition alive?
To fake smile, even when we don’t want to.
Let’s support each other on our worsts,
Let’s help each other in crying,
For the one last time in our lives,
So that one day, When We will rise again.
It will be a lot brighter,
Like the sun shines after the rain.

Hope | A Poem by Mubarak Ali Wadia at UpDivine
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