Endless Path

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Endless Path, by J. W. Cassandra (English Version)

I walk on concentrics –
the circles keep widen,
they widen to a familiar
I don’t see the end of my path,
the purpose,
I walk on widening concentrics’
and yet I don’t see as
I keep getting
farther out:
is there any circle on that
I can walk
And the circles disappear
– I keep stepping further
on and on,
before my eyesight haze floats;
the concentric-seas disappear –
I keep walk along my path,
I stroll about
the circles –
but my stumbling steps
are guided on
spirals, getting ever
tighter inwards.
The purpose is a tiny flame
in the centre of the sea-circle
and the concentric is deep
– abyss of whirl –
that pulls more inwards
with dizzy
my wavering
By the time I get down, the circles
disappear, I stay
and the flame –
and in this flame
the blazing world
starts a lunatic spiral-dance.
Am I burning or
is it the world?
Does it guide
further yet?

Endless Path a Poem by J W Cassandra at UpDivine
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1979 and 1994, by J. W. Cassandra


Végtelen út – J. W. Cassandra (Hungarian Version)

Koncentrikusokon járok –
a körök tágulnak egyre,
tágulnak egy ismerős
Nem látom utam végét,
a célt,
járom a táguló koncentrikusok
s már nem látom, ahogy
kijjebb-kijjebb hatolok:
van-e még kör, amin
S a körök eltűnnek
– én lépdelek egyre
pillantásom előtt köd lebeg;
eltűnnek a koncentrikus-tengerek –
járom az utam tovább,
újra rovom a
köröket –
de már befelé szűkülő
spirál vonalán
botló léptemet.
A cél apró láng a
tenger-kör közepén
és mély – örvény-mély
a koncentrikus, mely szédítő
húzza egyre beljebb
Mire leérek, a körök
eltűnnek, én
maradok, s a láng –
s e lángban őrült
spiráltáncba fog
a lángoló világ.
Én égek, vagy
a világ?
Vezet-e ez még

Endless Path a Poem by J W Cassandra at UpDivine
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1979 és 1994, J. W. Cassandra

To read more poems by J W Cassandra, click here.

Endless Path a Poem by J W Cassandra at UpDivine
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J. W. Cassandra

About the Author: J. W. Cassandra

I am a teacher and a registered author either, at Artisjus as a writer and a poet in Hungary. I write from my childhood, in different genres: fantasies, poems, short stories.


    1. I’m glad that you like it. When I first wrote it in my 17 age, my classmates didn’t understand it, I remember. Later I met lots of people who could see its essence, as you can, as well. I’m really happy that you like it. 🙂

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